
COP 15 – Four Contries Ready To Reject the Proposal, U.S. Special Envoy Todd Stern Defends, Consensus Required?

Copenhagen, Dec 19, 2009.

After a full day and night of negotiations, the statements for and against the proposal are continuing well into the morning here in Copenhagen.

U.S. “I think we should adopt the decision and not let this work go to waste” Todd Stern

Nevertheless, the chances for success looks increasingly slim, with strong objections coming from a few countries.

There are a few major objections.

Procedural. The document was created in a non-transparent fashion and released at the very last minute with no time even to review it.
Weakness. The two degree target is dangerous for many nations, including Africa.
Bribery. The money is being offered in exchange for survival.

Comment from a delegate in the food line: He thinks they will get this proposal through, by hook or by crook. For example, the chair can declare that consensus has been reached, even though it hasn’t, and then the body has to override the chair, which requires a three quarters vote. If true, there is an indirect way to bypass consensus and use a three quarters vote. He says this method was used in a previous conference.

Report by James George