
Video: Occupy Oakland’s General Strike

November 2, 2011 Oakland, California

Over ten thousand demonstrators participating in the Occupy Oakland General Strike marched through the city and closed the Oakland ports. The protests were predominantly peaceful and festive amidst a very small and subdued police presence. A few isolated demonstrators broke windows at banks along the afternoon march route but were urged to stop by the larger group who repeatedly chanted “peaceful protest”. A wide variety of groups participated in the rally, including labor unions and students. One large banner shown in the video read “Tax the Rich”. Also of note was the participation of the “General Strike Children’s Brigade” (at 3:05). Late reports are coming in that the Oakland police have now moved against remaining demonstrators with tear gas after midnight.

Occupy Oakland General Strike
Occupy Oakland General Strike Demonstrators marching to shutdown the port of Oakland
Occupy Oakland General Strike
Protestors atop shipping crates at the Oakland Port at sunset