
Video: Vice Chancellor LeGrande To Occupy UC Berkeley: We’re fighting for the same cause, but no encampment will be allowed

Nov 9, 2011
University of California Berkeley Students began an occupation in Upper Sproul Plaza today. This video shows Vice Chancellor Harry LeGrande addressing the assembly.

Partial Excerpt of Vice Chancellor Harry LeGrande’s Statement:
“I think we’re all fighting for the same causes.” [not shown in this video. See this video]

“We appreciate your concerns about the economy and inequality in our country. We understand you seek places to discuss and strategize about the issues. You may gather 24/7 over the next week on Upper Sproul [Plaza]. Our policy though: no encampments which means, no tents, no sleeping bags, no fires for cooking, no sleeping. Amplified sound is allowable from noon to one p.m. From five to seven p.m. Other hours may be arranged by exception. ”

“If there are encampments they will be removed. We hope that you will work with one another and us to maintain these guidelines. If infamous weather arrives. We will allow tarps to be placed in protection.”

“In the event that we have to, we will give you a ten minute warning before the police come in, so that if any student does not want to be arrested if that is what is going to occur, they will have time to remove themselves.”

Report by James George