
News Roundup

SolarTech Study Reports Massive Procedural Delays for Customers – PV Group

January 27th, 2010

‘San Jose, CA – Wednesday, January 27, 2010: SolarTech (, an initiative of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, released a white paper, “Addressing Institutional Barriers, Opportunities for Streamlining Project Timelines” that finds for every typical 4-5kW residential system, the average 5 day on-site installation masks an average of 100-120 days in procedural work. The paper identifies challenges within today’s solar project development cycle and suggests methods to reduce project cycle times, while creating uniform, efficient and repeatable processes, resulting in better customer service and lower administrative costs of delivering solar energy solutions.’

via PV Group – SolarTech Study Reports Massive Procedural Delays for Customers.

Global warming to trigger more warming | Reuters

January 27th, 2010

‘OSLO (Reuters) – Climate change caused by mankind will release extra heat-trapping gases stored in nature into the atmosphere in a small spur to global warming, a study showed.’

via Global warming to trigger more warming | Reuters.

Courts as Battlefields in Climate Fights –

January 27th, 2010

‘Tiny Kivalina, Alaska, does not have a hotel, a restaurant or a movie theater. But it has a very big lawsuit that might affect the way the nation deals with climate change.’

via Courts as Battlefields in Climate Fights –

Explanation Offered for Error in U.N. Climate Report – Dot Earth Blog –

January 26th, 2010

‘BRUSSELS — Faulty communication allowed an unsubstantiated estimate of the melting rate of Himalayan glaciers to make it into the landmark 2007 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a senior scientist and panel official said Monday.’

via Explanation Offered for Error in U.N. Climate Report – Dot Earth Blog –

China’s push for renewable energy | Reuters

January 23rd, 2010

China’s push for renewable energy 2:23 Report

Jan 22 – China, the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, is often blamed for its role in world pollution, but the giant nation has a strong appetite for alternative energy.

via Costs for A-Power Texas project up; China eyes funding | Reuters.

BBC News – Copenhagen ‘fails forest people’

January 22nd, 2010

‘A multi-billion dollar deal tabled at the Copenhagen climate summit could lead to conflicts in forest-rich nations, a report has warned.’

via BBC News – Copenhagen ‘fails forest people’.

U.N. Official, Yvo de Boer, Says Climate Deal Is at Risk –

January 22nd, 2010

‘Facing a Jan. 31 deadline, major countries have yet to submit their plans for reducing emissions of climate-altering gases, one of the major provisions of the agreement, according to Yvo de Boer, the Dutch official who is executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which organized the climate meeting.’

via U.N. Official, Yvo de Boer, Says Climate Deal Is at Risk –

U.S. vote dims hopes for stronger world climate pact | Reuters

January 20th, 2010

‘SINGAPORE/OSLO (Reuters) – Hopes for stronger world action in 2010 to curb climate change have dimmed after the U.S. Democrats lost a key Senate seat to a Republican opposed to capping emissions, experts said on Wednesday.’

via U.S. vote dims hopes for stronger world climate pact | Reuters.

Video – COP 15 followup – Rep John Sullivan Calls Climate Science Fraudulent, Blames Developing Nations for Treaty Impasse

January 19th, 2010

Copenhagen, December 18, 2009.

Republican Representative John Sullivan’s made a statement at the Republican’s press conference at COP15. Like the other Republican panelists, Sullivan repeatedly uses the word “scheme” to describe cap and trade. He also describes climate change science as fraudulent, part of a culture of corruption. He blames developing nations’ failure to agree to emission cuts for the climate treaty failure. Video excerpts of his statement:

Text transcription of excerpt:
“I’m John Sullivan, I’m from the state of Oklahoma, and I agree with my colleagues here that the Waxman-Markey bill, the cap and trade scheme, is not going to work. You know like chairman Barton said, it barely got through the house, it’s being bogged down for the reason is our economy is suffering in the United States. Unemployment is very high, people are losing jobs, and if this bill in its current form went into effect, we would lose about four point seven million jobs in the United States of America, and that’s just unacceptable to the American people. Also setting up some kind of scheme to auction off credits with the wall street debacle that’s gone on, it’s just also unacceptable…”

“This conference is very exciting to me, I’ve never been to a world conference and I think it’s exciting to be here, I’ve learned a lot. But you know I hope everyone else will learn something from this. I don’t think anything beneficial is going to come from it, that some kind of treaty will be signed, I don’t think that can happen. Because anything that we do right now has to involve developing nations as well. They have have to be responsible for emissions that they put out, and they’re not wanting to. And right now too, they’re basing it on science that’s fraudulent. There is culture of corruption that’s going through the scientific community that’s not being addressed right now that should be. And we certainly should not be basing any treaty on corrupt data that this culture of corruption is permeated through. So I think that we all should learn from this, go forward back to our respective countries, and come up with different ways to address this issue.”

Report by James George

U.S. Senate not seen passing climate bill in 2010 | Reuters

January 19th, 2010

‘WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan said on Tuesday he did not think the Senate would pass climate change legislation this year, but instead would focus on a separate energy bill that would have more bipartisan support.’

via U.S. Senate not seen passing climate bill in 2010 | Reuters.