
News: Archive for July, 2016

In platform draft, Sanders wins on climate, loses on trade –

Sunday, July 10th, 2016

‘ORLANDO — Bernie Sanders’ still-impassioned campaign electrified debate over a draft of the Democratic Party’s policy positions Saturday, winning concessions on climate change but failing to include opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal…’

Source: In platform draft, Sanders wins on climate, loses on trade –

US negotiator: Presidential election won’t impact climate work | TheHill

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

‘Pershing, who took over as the administration’s top climate negotiator this spring, has previously said there is “some concern globally” about where the United States might take its climate work, depending on the results of November’s election. But he has sought to calm those concerns among international climate diplomats.’

Source: US negotiator: Presidential election won’t impact climate work | TheHill