
The science of climate change: The clouds of unknowing | The Economist

Interesting analysis in The Economist.

‘In any complex scientific picture of the world there will be gaps, misperceptions and mistakes. Whether your impression is dominated by the whole or the holes will depend on your attitude to the project at hand.’

via The science of climate change: The clouds of unknowing | The Economist.

Also see another climate article from the same issue, ‘Climate science: Spin, science and climate change‘.

excerpt: ‘Plenty of uncertainty remains; but that argues for, not against, action. If it were known that global warming would be limited to 2°C, the world might decide to live with that. But the range of possible outcomes is huge, with catastrophe one possibility, and the costs of averting climate change are comparatively small. Just as a householder pays a small premium to protect himself against disaster, the world should do the same.’