
Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi Slams Prop 16 at SF Green Festival

April 10, San Francisco

San Francisco District 5 Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi denounced PGE & Proposition 16 at the Spring Green Festival.

Key points:

• Proposition 16 is solely funded by PGE ratepayer money to the tune of $35,000,000.
• Proposition 16, if passed by a simple majority vote, would then require that a two-thirds popular vote by the citizenry before local governments could opt to develop alternative energy systems independently of PGE.

Partial exceprt:
“Thank you for this quick opportunity to inject what I think is a very important message …that is to be aware of what is on the June ballot, proposition 16. Proposition 16 has been solely funded at $35,000,000 of ratepayer money by PGE for the June election to literally kill any cities ability to pursue an alternative energy path.”

“There are well over two dozen cities in California, like Sacramento, there’s the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Palo Alto, Alameda, LA is a hybrid water and power, all throughout California, who will deliver cleaner and greener energy at a competitive, or even a cheaper price than PGE.”

“San Francisco would like to pursue a similar path, so would Marin, but right now PGE has decided in their infinite way, in order to annihilate – I’m using this word accurately – annihilate the ability of any municipality or any citizen determination to want to pursue an alternative energy path, you then – with the passive of prop 16 – must be required to get a two-thirds vote of the citizenry. What is reprehensible about this is that the June ballot only requires a simple majority of the vote. For a corporation to decide, because they are solely funding, that they will, because they could win this based on the volume of money they’re putting in, implement based on a simple majority vote a two-thirds requirement, will be the first corporation in the history of the state of California that will enshrine themselves in our state constitution. So PGE, by seeking the two-thirds requirement, will then become in the state constitution. It won’t stop in California, because for any state that has the initiative process, other private utility companies will seek the same opportunity to secure their private interest.”

“So for anybody who is visiting the Green Festival and who lives the kind of ethos that I’m sure we are of like mind, then keep in mind, that if you really think that we’re going to do something about global warming or climate charge – forget it. Because, just imagine a private utility company literally trying to envelop the power of the sun, so that they’re the ones that their able to then chart based on what they decide to chart of how we will benefit from solarization or from wind. It is our goal and it is Marin’s goal in cities throughout California to deliver the alternate energy path, or at least provide this option.”

He made many of the same points in a different presentation:

Report by James George