
Video: Erin Rogers on Prop 23 and Lesser Known Prop 26’s Potential Impacts on AB 32

October 28, 2010 University of California, Berkeley

RogersErin Rogers, Western Region Manager of the Climate & Energy Program, Union of Concerned Scientists spoke at the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley on the potential impacts of Propositions 23 and 26 on the implementation of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32).

Citing polls showing support for Prop 23 falling, she drew attention to lesser known Prop 26, which could also impact California’s ability to implement AB 32 by recasting carbon emission ‘fees’ as ‘taxes’, each of which would then require an elusive two thirds majority vote before implementation.

In response to questions from the audience, she discussed many topics including the use of feed in tariffs to support the development of solar energy and green jobs, expected free emission permits for polluting industries such as cement and glass during the initial years of AB 32, studies on the AB 32 net effect on California job numbers, and possible broader economic impacts of climate change in California.

The event was co-sponsored by the Goldman School of Public Policy and BERC, the Berkeley Energy and Resources Collaborative

Report by James George