
Copenhagen Climate Conference Begins, ‘Climate Change, Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions’

Copenhagen, Denmark. March 10, 2009

Today a three day conference on climate change begins here in a drizzly and cold, yet still ‘wonderful’ Copenhagen. This event is part of the build up to the pivotal November-December COP-15 meetings which will attempt to draft a new international agreement to replace the Kyoto protocol which is due to expires in 2012.

A major goal of this conference is to present the new scientific evidence and findings since the IPCC report of 2007. Since much of that report was based on work from 2006, there are essentially three years of work to review and then present to the policy makers attending the November-December meetings.

The program of speakers and scientists, including Dr. James E. Hansen of NASA, covers a dense collection of scientific and relevant social topics ranging from ‘cryosphere, instability, seal level rise’, ‘vulnerability in carbon sinks’, to ‘sustainable urban deveolopment’. Promises to be quite an education.

Image: Copenhagen harbor Nyhavn where Hans Christian Anderson once lived.
Copenhagen harbor Nyhavn where Hans Christian Anderson once lived.