
Hot summers and global warming: Another scientist’s view –

Above average climate reporting by the LA times and the Madeline Brand Show which interviewed Richard Muller, simply because they refer both to Jim Hansen’s recent climate/heat wave conclusions and to Muller’s comments in response. Muller says the while Jim Hansen findings are correct, his presentation exaggerates the results.

“If we are a degree warmer, which is what he and I agree we have warmed up in the last 50 years — one degree warmer — then you will have more heat spells, they’ll be a little bit hotter, more records — but they’ll only be one degree. When he says expect more heat waves, what that means is, if you were used to a heat wave of 101 degrees, now you’ll have a heat wave of 102.” [~ Muller]

via Hot summers and global warming: Another scientist’s view –