
World Bank / U.N. Approved CDM Forestry Project

World Bank Forestry Project

One reforestation project in Moldova by the World Bank. In their words:

‘The Moldova project is reforesting 20,290 hectares of degraded and eroded state-owned and communal agricultural lands spread throughout the country. The reforestation proposes to achieve multiple objectives, and in particular to restore degraded lands through improvement in the vegetative cover and sustainably enhance supplies of forest products to local communities including fuel wood, timber and non timber products to meet the needs of rural communities.

Public and community lands in Moldova over the past decades have shown significant decline in productivity and have increasingly become susceptible to soil erosion and landslides, particularly due to lack of investments in the restoration of degraded lands over a long period. Carbon finance has helped to overcome the financial and capacity constraints of local communities and the state forestry agency. ‘